Introducing The North Star ClipArt Resource Library... offering free North Star clip art to educators on the web.
Attention cutting-edge educators!
If you have or are planning to build a school, classroom, or learning
web site and have been searching for some meaningful, engaging clip
art to decorate it, then this is where you want to be!
This whimsical collection of original North Star artwork by Peter H.
Reynolds, inspired by the themes of his own book The North
Star, is free to use on your own website, as long as it is
for non-commercial or non-profit use (educational, institutional,
family, etc.).
*** Our Clip Art Galleries ***
Permission to use: Permission to use the clipart in this resource library is granted freely to non-profit, non-commerical websites. However, we do ask that you insert a credit on your website, similar
to the following, (it can be small): "North Star artwork on
this web site copyright by Peter H. Reynolds/ FableVision" and
link this to "". |
Copyright © 2009, FableVision. All rights reserved.